Skills Sikhoo


Enhance Your Designing Skills, Join Skill Sikhoo Advanced Online Digital Marketing Course In Pune With  100% Placement & Affordable Fees.

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Uncover the Difference: Digital Marketing Course in Pune

Embark on a transformative journey with our Digital Marketing Course in Pune, where excellence meets opportunity. Experience hands-on training and a seamless learning environment tailored to your needs. Plus, ensure a promising future with our exclusive 100% Placement Assistance program upon completing Digital Marketing Classes. Your pathway to success starts here!

What You'll Learn?

  • Module 1

 Digital Marketing Overview

1.What is Digital Marketing?

2.Why organizations do digital marketing?

3.What is the Difference between Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

4.What is Search Engine? How Search Engine works?


  • Module 2

Website Planning & Creation

1. Websites Overview?

2.What is domain?

3.What is domain names & domain extensions

4.What is web server & web hosting

5.What is the Different types of web servers Types of websites

6. What is domain name & web hosting

7. What is Plug-in??

8. Making your own website (Example: and Making it Live


  • Module 3

    Search Engine Optimization

    1.What is Search Engine Optimization?

    2.Understanding of Online traffic Competitor analysis

    3.Search Engine Optimization Techniques Types Search

    4.Engine Updates / Algorithms Difference between

    5.Organic and Inorganic Understanding of SEO & keywords Targeting

    6. Content research planning and optimization

    7.Creating seo strategies

    8. Various reporting methods

    9. What is On page optimization?

    10. What are primary keywords, secondary keywords and tertiary keywords? Keywords optimization

    11.Content optimization & planning

    12.Understanding your audience for content planning

    13.What is the difference between keywords stuffing & keyword placement? Internal linking

    14.Meta tags creation

    15.Using Google webmasters tool & website verification Sitemap

    16.creation & submission in website & webmasters How to write an optimized content

    17.How to write content for article, blog and press release What is off page???

    18.SEO Auditing

    19.What is off Page Optimization?

    20.What is Domain Authority?

    21.How to increase Domain Authority

    22.What are back links?

    23.Types of back links

    24.What is link building? Types of link building

    25.Link building strategies for your business Monitoring SEO process

    26.Preparing SEO reports

    27.How to save your site from Google Panda, Penguin and EMD Update

    28.How to recover your site from Panda, Penguin and EMD

    29.SEO ForWix and WordPress sites

    Real time Example of SEO reporting and analysis. (Example: SKILL SIKHOO)


  • Module 4

    On-Page Optimization:

    1.Competition Analysis

    2.Keyword Research & Keyword Optimization Keyword density analysis

    3.Title / description / keyword / other Meta tags Content Development Check

    4.Brief Competition Review Tags- H1, H2, H3

    5.Anchor Text

    6.Image Optimization

    7.Use of Robot.txt Sitemap

    8.Canonical Tag

    Real time Example On–PageOptimization (Example: IT Plus Pune)


  • Module 5

    Off-Page Optimization:

    1.Understanding links, anchors, follow Google Mapping/Listing

    2.Alexa tools

    3.Press release news

    4.Forum Posting & Posting Free Classifieds

    5.Link Building, Article submissions, PR submissions, Guest Blogging, Commenting, Directory submission, Social Bookmarking sites

    6.Tools for Density Check, Position, Tracking

    7.Real time Example Off-PageOptimization (Example: IT Plus Pune)


  • SEO Tools

1.Keyword Planner Tool Word Tracker Keyword Spy

2.Google Trends

3. Keyword Position Checker Meta

4. Description Creation Stats Counter

5. SEO Auditing

6. Real Time example of SEO Tools working and results


Social Media Optimization & Social Media Marketing

Facebook – Business Page creation, content strategy, hash tags, Facebook applications, paid advertisements, analytics

Project: Creating own or referring SKILL SIKHOO Business Page and monitoring paid campaigns.

LinkedIn – Understanding LinkedIn, Company profile Vs Individual Profile, LinkedIn Groups, LinkedIn Marketing & Analytics, LinkedIn Advertisements

Project: Creating own or referring SKILL SIKHOO Business Page and monitoring advertisements and more.

YouTube – Importance of YouTube marketing, Setting Up Channel Creation, Understanding video platform, YouTube For Business, How to Earn Money from YouTube, YouTube Advertisement, YouTube Engagement, YouTube Analytics

Project: Creating own or referring YouTube Channel and monitoring paid campaigns.

Twitter- Understanding Twitter for Business, Account & profile Setup, Twitter Engagement, Twitter Marketing & Tools, Twitter Analysis, TwitDoc

Project: Live Example of Twitter Account handling and managing

  1. Understanding of SMM Understanding medium of SMM Social Content
  2. Basics of Branding
  3. Targeting and audience definition
  4. Reporting and social reputation management Social media paid advertising
  5. Social media Activates 6.Facebook marketing
  6. Understanding Facebook marketing
  7. Creating Facebook page
  8. Uploading contacts for invitation
  9. Exercise on fan page wall posting
  10. Increasing fans on fan page
  11. How to do marketing on fan page (with examples) Fan engagement
  12. Important apps to do fan page marketing Facebook advertising
  13. Types of Facebook advertising
  14. Best practices for Facebook advertising
  15. Understanding Facebook best practices
  16. Creating Social media strategies
  17. Paid Advertising
  18. Creating Facebook advertising campaign
  19. Targeting in ad campaign

21.Payment module- CPC vs CPM vs CPA

  1. Setting up conversion tracking
  2. LinkedIn Marketing
  3. What is LinkedIn? Understanding LinkedIn
  4. Company profile vs Individual profiles
  5. Understanding LinkedIn groups
  6. How to do marketing on LinkedIn groups
  7. LinkedIn advertising &it’s best practices
  8. Increasing ROI from LinkedIn ads LinkedIn publishing
  9. Company pages
  10. Adv on LinkedIn Display vs text Twitter Marketing
  11. UnderstandingTwitter
  12. Advertising on Twitter
  13. Creating campaigns Types of ads
  14. Tools for twitter marketing

Project: Live project to check above listed all activities in all social media platforms


  • Module 8

Content Creation

  1. Understanding Content marketing Blog writing
  2. Website content writing
  3. Info graphics Content writing Content strategy
  4. Keyword research for content ideas Optimizing content for search engines Creating Info graphics – Canva , Pixlr
  5. Video Creation Tools – Filmora

Project: Creating promotional videos (Example: SKILL SIKHOO training institute training promotional video)


  • Module 9

Email – Marketing

1.What is Email Marketing? How Email Marketing works?

2.What to send, Whom to send, & When to send?

3.How to Create Customized Mail?

4.Types of Email Marketing Contact List Creation

5.Measuring Performance

6.Email Automation & Work Flow Automation Dynamic Content Insertion

7.Introduction of Email Marketing How email works?

8.Challenges faced in sending bulk emails How to over come these challenges?

9.Creating a broadcast email

10.Email Tracking reports

11.What are auto responders?

12.Set up Email Campaigns Introduction Of Mail Chimp Email

13.Template Designs Bulk Emails

14.Promotional Emails

15.Tricks to land in inbox instead of spam folder

Project: Creating Email Campaign using free (Mailchimp) and paid online tools


  • Module 10

Blog Marketing

1.Understanding Blog marketing

2.Content writing

3.How to Create Blogger?

4.How to done Blog submissions?

5.What is blog commenting?

6.Blog posting

7.How to write SEO friendly blogs

Project: Sample blog writing for Students failure in Interviews for SKILL SIKHOO


  • Module 11


1.Understanding info graphics

2.Why to use info graphics

3.How to create infographics

4.Info graphics Themes

5.Meaning full Info graphics

6.Infographics content writing

Project: Live Example of Infographics


  • Module 12

Landing Page Optimization

1.Understanding of landing page

2.How to design landing page

3.Importance and advantage of landing page

4.Landing page Speed

5.Landing page analysis

Project: Live example of Landing Page Optimization.


  • Module 13

Search Engine Marketing

1.Understanding of SEM

2.Google AdWords and its importance Set-up AdWords Account

3.Getting Started on Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaign Structure

4.Fundamentals of Google AdWords Keyword Analysis

5.PPC Campaign Set up Campaign Optimization

6.Creating PPC Strategy Keyword Bid Management Landing Page Optimization

7.Understanding AdWords account structure Campaign, Adgroups, Ads, Keywords, etc

8.Types of Advertising campaigns- search, display, shopping, & video Difference between search and display campaign

9.Understanding AdWords Algorithm (Adrank) with example What is quality score? Why quality score is important?

10.What is CTR? Why CTR is Important? Ad Formats, Ad copy

11.Campaign targeting Understanding location targeting

12.Different types of Location targeting

13.What is Bidding Strategy? Types of different bidding strategy Manual / Auto / Advanced Level bid strategies

14.Difference between search and display campaign settings Understanding CPM bid strategy

15.Advance settings Enhanced CPC CPA

16.Understanding Ad extensions, types of ad extensions Adding ad extensions in our campaign

17.Creating ad group

18.Understanding types of keywords

19.Broad, Phrase, exact Keyword Match types Examples of types of Keywords

20.Pros and cons of different types of keyword match types Monitoring & Campaign Tracking

21.PPC / CPM Management

Project: Live project of Google AdSense and monitoring of the same(Example: SKILL SIKHOO AdSense Account)


  • Module 14

Google Analytics Tool

1.Introduction to Web Analytics

2.Purpose of analytics in Internet Marketing

3.Admin Interface, Setting up an accounts and Web properties Managing account / Users

4.Google Analytics Interface Home Tab /Real time Data Understanding different types of goals

5.Goal Creation

6.Understanding bounce & bounce rate Difference between exit rate & bounce rate How to reduce bounce rate

7.How to set up funnels in goals Importance of funnels

8.How to integrate AdWords and analytics account Benefits of integrating AdWords & analytics

9.Measuring performance of marketing campaigns via Google analytics Understanding filters & segments

10.How to set up filters & segments How to view customized reports

11.Monitoring traffic sources Monitoring traffic behavior

12.Taking corrective actions if required Content Analysis

13.Search Funnel Page Views Bounce Rate

14.Referral traffic analysis


  • Module 15

Google Webmaster Tool

1.Understanding of webmaster

2.How to Generate Webmaster Code



5.Account How webmaster works Webmaster Dashboard What is Structured Data?? What is Rich Cards??

6.What is Data Highlighter?? What is HTML Improvements??

7.What is Accelerated Mobile Pages?? What is Search Traffic??

8.Crawling Issues!!! Webmaster Setup Traffic Analysis

9.Web Error – Site Error & URL Error Data Highlighter

10.Rich Cards Structured snippets

11.Google Index & Crawl Stats


Digital Marketing Course Frequently Asked Questions

Digital Marketing refers to the practice of promoting products or services using digital channels such as websites, social media, search engines, email, and mobile apps. It encompasses various strategies and techniques aimed at reaching and engaging target audiences online to drive brand awareness, lead generation, and sales.

Digital Marketing courses provide comprehensive training on various aspects of online marketing, including strategy development, campaign execution, analytics, and optimization. These courses offer practical skills and knowledge essential for navigating the dynamic landscape of digital marketing and staying competitive in today’s digital era.

Anyone interested in exploring a career in digital marketing can take this course. Whether you are a student, working professional, entrepreneur, or career changer, digital marketing courses cater to individuals from diverse backgrounds seeking to acquire valuable skills in online marketing.

We provide certification upon successful completion of our digital marketing courses. The number of certifications may vary depending on the specific course or program you enroll in. Our certifications are recognized and valued by industry professionals, enhancing your credibility and employability in the field.

Yes, we offer comprehensive placement assistance to our students, including resume building, interview preparation, and connecting them with job opportunities in reputable organizations. While we cannot guarantee 100% placement, we strive to support our students in securing rewarding positions in the digital marketing industry.

Completing our digital marketing course opens up a wide range of job opportunities in various sectors and industries. Some common job roles and designations include Digital Marketing Specialist, Social Media Manager, SEO Analyst, Content Marketer, Email Marketing Specialist, PPC Manager, and Digital Marketing Manager. These roles involve tasks such as creating and implementing digital marketing strategies, managing online campaigns, analyzing data, and optimizing marketing performance.

If you encounter difficulties joining the training session, please wait for the trainer to admit you. This usually takes 5 to 10 minutes. Ensure you are using the latest version of the Chrome browser, and check your headphones and microphone settings to avoid any issues.

While we recommend using a laptop for an optimal learning experience, you can join the training session from your mobile phone if necessary. However, please note that coding simultaneously with the trainer may not be feasible on a mobile device. A mobile phone is acceptable for theory sessions.

Yes, you can enroll in multiple courses simultaneously, provided that the timings of both training sessions do not overlap. Additionally, you may be eligible for discounts if you choose to enroll in multiple courses. Contact our team for further details and assistance with course enrollment.

In India, the demand for digital marketing professionals spans across various sectors as businesses increasingly prioritize their online presence. Here are some of the sectors, among many others:

  • Real Estate
  • IT Companies
  • E-Commerce
  • New Startups
  • Event Companies
  • Education Sectors
  • Advertisement Companies

These sectors are actively embracing digital marketing strategies to enhance their brand visibility, engage with their target audience, and drive business growth in the digital realm.


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